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2021-07-15 14:52:16 275



level 1 用英语说自己的故事 | All about Me
1 寒暄与问候 Grettings

2 兴趣嗜好 Hobbies

3 居家生活 Daily living

4 我的家人 My family

5 家庭杂务 Chore
6 外表与穿着 Appearance and dress-up

7 个性与长相 Personality and looks

8 谈论自己 Talking about yourself

level 2 我的英语生活 | My English Life

1 喜怒哀乐 Emotions

2 询问与协助 At the doctor's

3 用英语打电话 Make a phone call

4 天气与季节 Weather and seasons

5 交通与运输 Traffic and transport

6 一般购物 Shopping

7 在街上 On the street

8 居家环境 Around the house

level 3 交际你我他 | Getting to Know You

1 电话哈拉 Make a phone call

2 超市购物 Supermarket

3 外出用餐 Eating out

4 西式餐厅 In a fancy restaurant

5 在美发沙龙 In a hair salon

6 去看电影 Watching Movie

7 电视节目 TV program

8 休闲活动 Entertainment

level 4 打造英语圈 | Join the English Circle

1 尺寸、测量和数量 Unit and measurment
2 服装、配件和颜色 Clothing and accessories
3 虚拟购物空间 Online shopping
4 家庭用品 Household Appliance
5 健身运动 At the gym
6 休闲时光 Leisure time
7 招待与拜访 Hosting and visiting
8 房屋租赁 House rent
level 5 畅谈生活点滴 | Talking about Life
1 闲聊分享 Gossip
2 结交朋友 Make friends
3 自己动手做 DIY
4 外出游玩 Travel
5 意外事故 Accident
6 生病就医 At the doctor's
7 使用因特网 Internet
8 享受闲暇 Fun and relaxation
level 6 环球旅游通 | Globe-trotting
1 计划与准备 Preparations and plans
2 机场海关 Customs airport
3 旅馆住宿 Hotel and accommodation
4 大众运输信息 Public transportation information
5 在国外购物 Shopping in foreign country
6 行走天下 Traveling around
7 旅游投诉和旅游事故 Tourist complaints and travel accident
8 梦想假期 Dream vacation
level 7 富足新生活 | Living a Prosperous Life
1 梦想与抱负 Dreams and aspirations
2 健身塑形 Shape and fitness
3 美容化妆 Make up
4 体育运动 Sports
5 个人理财 Personal finance
6 购买保险 Insurance
7 邮局业务 Postal services
8 银行服务 Banking services
level 8 跨文化交流 | Cultural Exchange
1 计算机和沟通工具 Computer and communication tools

2 通讯往来 TELE-Communications
3 派对聚会 Party
4 音乐与戏剧 Music and Drama
5 画作欣赏 Paintings
6 文学与人生 Literature and life
7 节日庆典 Festival
8 传统与风俗 Traditions and customs
level 9 悠游虚拟英语城 | Cyber English City
1 恋爱与婚姻 Love and marriage
2 都市男女 urban citizen
3 现代生活 Modern life
4 城市与乡村 City & Countryside
5 犯罪和惩罚 Crime and punishment
6 奢侈品 Luxury products
7 电玩世界 Cyber games
8 与成功对话
level 10 大众语论新视野 | Open Communications
1 财富与投资 GWIM

2 退休计划 Retirement plan
3 现代科技 Science and technology
4 流行趋势 Trend

5 上班族健康之道 Wellness for office workers
6 保健养生 Health care
7 情绪管理 Emotion management
8 公众演说 Public speaking
level 11 观点洞悉看世界 | Insight Tracking
1 网络世界 Internet
2 医疗突破 Medical breakthrough
3 努力与成就 Efforts and achievements
4 社会问题 Social problem
5 天然灾害 Natural disaster
6 太空探险 Space adventures
7 和平与战争 Peace and war
8 政府与政策 Goverment and policy
level 12 探索无国界疆域 | Learning in the Global Era
1 回顾与省思 Review and reflection
2 人物故事 Stories of people
3 未来能源驱势 The future trend of energy
4 世界经贸关联 The world economy and trade
5 全球气候变迁 Climate change
6 自然生态 Natural ecology
7 另类疗法 Alternative therapy
8 生命的奥秘 Secrets of life

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