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2024-04-10 12:06:57  人气:177


1. The British Museum [e? ?br?t?? mju?zi?m] - 大英博物馆

2. Buckingham Palace [?b?k???m ?p?l?s] - 白金汉宫

3. The Tower of London [e? ?ta??r ?v ?l?nd?n] - 伦敦塔

4. The Royal Shakespeare Company [e? ?r???l ??e?ksp??r ?k?mp?ni] - 皇家莎士比亚公司

5. The British Library [e? ?br?t?? ?la?br?ri] - 大英图书馆

6. The Tate Modern [e? te?t ?m?d?n] - 泰特现代美术馆

7. The Edinburgh Festival [??d?nb?r? ?f?st?v?l] - 爱丁堡艺术节

8. The National Gallery [e? ?n???nl ???l?ri] - 国家美术馆

9. The Globe Theatre [e? ?l??b ?θ??t?r] - 环球剧场

10. The Victoria and Albert Museum [e? v?k?t??r?? ?nd ??lb?rt mju?zi?m] - 维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆

11. The Royal Opera House [e? ?r???l ??p?r? ha?s] - 皇家歌剧院

12. The British Film Institute [e? ?br?t?? f?lm ??nst?tju?t] - 英国电影协会

13. The Stonehenge [?st??nh?nd?] - 史托克恩吉

14. The Royal Academy of Arts [e? ?r???l ??k?d?mi ?v ??ts] - 皇家艺术学院

15. The National Theatre [e? ?n???nl ?θ??t?r] - 国家剧院

16. The British Council [e? ?br?t?? ?ka?nsl] - 英国文化协会

17. The Glastonbury Festival [e? ??l?st?nb?ri ?f?st?v?l] - 格拉斯顿伯里音乐节

18. The Royal Albert Hall [e? ?r???l ??lb?rt h??l] - 皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅

19. The British Comedy Awards [e? ?br?t?? ?k?m?di ??w??dz] - 英国喜剧奖

20. The Royal Observatory [e? ?r???l ?b?z??v?t?ri] - 皇家天文台

21. The British Fashion Council [e? ?br?t?? ?f???n ?ka?nsl] - 英国时装协会

22. The National Portrait Gallery [e? ?n???nl ?p??tr?t ???l?ri] - 国家肖像画廊

23. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew [e? ?r???l b??t?n?k ????d?nz kju?] - 皇家植物园基伍

24. The British Museum of Natural History [e? ?br?t?? mju?zi?m ?v ?n?t?r?l ?h?st?ri] - 大英自然历史博物馆

25. The Royal Festival Hall [e? ?r???l ?f?st?v?l h??l] - 皇家音乐厅

26. The British Transport Museum [e? ?br?t?? ?tr?nsp??t mju?zi?m] - 英国交通博物馆

27. The National History Museum [e? ?n???nl ?h?st?ri mju?zi?m] - 国家历史博物馆

28. The Royal Society of Arts [e? ?r???l s??sa??ti ?v ??ts] - 皇家艺术学会

29. The British Library Sound Archive [e? ?br?t?? ?la?br?ri sa?nd ???ka?v] - 大英图书馆声音档案馆

30. The National Railway Museum [e? ?n???nl ?re?lwe? mju?zi?m] - 国家铁路博物馆

