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2024-03-18 18:06:18  人气:94

讲座题目:The phenomenological Semiotic Hierarchy: From operative to linguistic intentionality(现象学式的符号层级:从操作意向性到语言意向性)

主讲人:瑞典隆德大学(Lund University)Jordan Zlatev教授




本课题借助现象学理论,对符号层级(Zlatev 2009)概念进行反思和修正。总体来说,任何意义都会被理解成不同类型的意向性,即从前意识层面的操作意向性,经由主体性并结合交互主体性层面的知觉意向性,然后到符号使用层面的意指(符号)意向性,最后到语言意向性。在上述所有层面中,源自主体世界互动所产生的具体层面规范结构,如身体图式,情感,规约性,符号以及语法规则等,都在驱使着意义的产生。因此,本理论并不同意那些反结构主义或反再现论学者观点,而是选择与生成论的相关看法相结合。

The phenomenological Semiotic Hierarchy: From operative to linguistic intentionality

I present a revised version of the Semiotic Hierarchy (Zlatev 2009), rethought with the help of phenomenology. In general, any kind of meaning is understood as different kinds of intentionally, from operative on a pre-conscious level, via perceptual on the level of subjectivity, joint on the level of intersubjectivity, signitive on the level of sign use, to linguistic. On all levels, meaning making is constrained by level-specific normative structures such as the body schema, emotions, conventions, signs and grammatical rules, which all derive from subject-world interactions. Thus, the theory incorporates insights from enactivism, without subscribing to its anti-structuralist and anti-representationalist tendencies

Jordan Zlatev教授简介

Jordan Zlatev,瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学语言学博士,现为瑞典隆德大学(Lund University)语言文学中心语言学与认知符号学教授,隆德大学认知符号学(cognitive semiotics)硕博士项目负责人。Zlatev教授任国际认知符号学协会(IACS)主席(2013至今),瑞典语言与认知学会主席(2013年至今),国际认知语言学协会(ICLA)理事,《符号学》期刊(The Public Journal of Semiotics)主编等职务。
