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2023-12-03 19:30:17  人气:60

卡耐基梅隆大学(Carnegie MellonUniversity),简称CMU,坐落在美国宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡(Pittsburgh),是一所拥有13,600名在校学生和1,423名教职及科研人员的世界著名学府。

该校拥有享誉全球的计算机学院和戏剧学院,其艺术学院,商学院,工程院以及公共管理学院等也都在全美名列前茅。卡梅的School of Computer Science下方有七个学院,计算生物学硕士项目在计算生物学院下方。


CMU MSCB是CBD系和生物系的合办项目,该项目应用现代计算机科学、统计、数学知识去探索解决生物和生物医学问题,主要是个性化医疗,微生物基因组预测、基因治疗进展、营养改善等。



Foundation courses

02-601: Programming forScientists

02-613: Algorithms and AdvancedData Structures

03-709: Applied Cell andMolecular Biology

Breadth courses

02-710 or 03-711: Genomics

03-712: Computational Methodsfor Biological Modeling and Simulation

02-750: Automation ofBiological Research: Robotics and Machine Learning


Studentswho are interested in doing an internship in industry or at a research lab notat CMU can take 03-601R, Computational BiologyInternship, for 3 units of credit.

Internationalstudents who secure paid internships outside of Carnegie Mellon must registerfor both 03-601R and Curricular PracticalTraining (CPT). The Office of International Education (OIE) oversees CPTregistration. Students will need the offer letter spelling out dates ofemployment, hours to be worked, and wages or stipend (if any). Note that,during the summer, tuition for 03-601R will not be assessed.

Itis advisable to contact the Assistant Director (Internship and Job Placement)and/or the Assistant Department Head for Graduate Affairs during the fallsemester to begin seeking and preparing for an internship (i.e. resumes, coverletters and making contacts).






Your statement of purpose should be a 1-2 page essaydescribing:

yourmotivation to enter the field of Computational Biology,any previousresearch experience you have (including your role in those projects), and, ifapplicable, any publications.

your primaryareas of interest within Computational Biology,your reasonsfor considering the MSCB program for graduate work.

Your statement must be written in your own words. Weuse software to detect plagiarism in personal statements. Any applicant thatsubmits a personal statement determined to contain plagiarised material will berejected immediately, without notice.




Recent graduates have been employed atcompanies and institutes such as the J. Craig Venter Institute, Thermo FisherScientific, Philips Research, and Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, to name afew.


Studentsare allowed to work for wages on projects separate from theirresearch-for-credit projects (03-700 & 02-700), provided academic progressis not compromised.

For students who desire to earn wages, there are limitedemployment opportunities in faculty research groups; students are responsiblefor seeking out such opportunities. It is strongly advised that students waituntil their second semester to begin work.

Thenumber of hours worked will not exceed 12 hours per week; the pay scale willordinarily range from $10 to $16 per hour.

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