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2023-07-12 16:01:33  人气:104


2022年1月雅思口语题part1:Study or work


1.Do you work or are you a student?

2.What subject are you studying?

3.Why did you choose that subject?

4.What would you like to do in the future?

5.What are the most popular subjects in China?

6.Do you think it's important to choose a subject you like?

7.Are you looking forward to working?

8.Do you like your subject?(Why?/Why not?)

9.Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?

10.Is your subject interesting to you?

11.Is there any kind of technology you can use in study?


(What work do you do?

Why did you choose to do that type of job?

Do you like your job?

Do you miss being a student?

Is it very interesting?

Is there any kind of technology you use at work?)

2022年1月雅思口语题part1:Study or work答案

Part 1

Study or work

1.Do you work or are you a student?

I'm a student at Tsinghua University in Beijing.

I'm a student,and I'm a freshman in Tsinghua University.

I'm a student,a high school student.

2.What subject are you studying?

I'm studying for a Master's degree in Tsinghua University,specializing in the field of Math Studies.

3.Why did you choose that subject?

I chose math because I liked it in high school.I was always strong in math and science,so it seemed like a natural progression.Also,I did some research on career opportunities,and it seemed to be a subject with a promising future.

4.What would you like to do in the future?

I would love to be a teacher.Most of the women in my family are teachers,they have a huge impact on my life.I think it is wonderful to get to change people's lives by what I say or do on the stage.It requires a person to be responsible and caring,and I want to be such a person.

5.What are the most popular subjects in China?

It's hard to say nowadays.You know,due to the globalization,our country is much more developed than ever.Every subject has something to offer to the society.Students just choose their subjects based on what they are interested in,which then,in turn,can become a trend.

6.Do you think it's important to choose a subject you like?

Definitely!I think interest is the best motivator,if I choose something I'm keen on,I will be willing to sacrifice my leisure time because it is a worthwhile sacrifice to me.In addition,when I face some difficulties,I will do my best to overcome the problems.Quitting in the middle will never be an option.We should consider carefully our choice from the start,rather than carelessly choosing the wrong path,then regretting it.

7.Are you looking forward to working?

I have been wanting to work full time,that's for sure.I can now imagine myself waking up early in the morning,getting my business attire on and sitting behind my office desk.I wonder how it feels to work with other professionals and with the boss always around…It could be stressful but interesting,I guess.The best part I would say would be to finally receive a salary and spend my own money.I would not have to bother my parents then.But,like most things in life,it really depends on what the job is and whether the environment is positive or not.

8.Do you like your subject?(Why?/Why not?)

Honestly,I don't.I am halfway through my college career.But reality struck me when the material we learned in class was much more difficult and the assignments weren't fun.I'm thinking about changing my own major now.

9.Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?

I am not a morning person,I'm afraid.But to be honest,studying in the afternoon is even worse.I get really sleepy from one to four in the afternoon.So,actually,my brain is at its best in the evening.It works better then.I can stay sharp even until very late at night.

10.Is your subject interesting to you?

Absolutely.I find computer science really stimulating.Imagine creating something useful just using codes and numbers.It requires a good level of imagination and quite a good level of number skills,critical thinking and logic skills as well as a keen ability to solve problems.

11.Is there any kind of technology you can use in study?

For studying I use a computer and my phone.I often download research papers and read them on my phone and make notes onto the notes section of my phone too.I use my computer to actually write essays and do other homework tasks.

(1.What work do you do?

I am a teacher at a high school.I started there in Jan 2015 after graduating from college.I would say it is a pretty challenging job.

2.Why did you choose to do that type of job?

Teaching is my passion.I don't view my career as a"job"per say.I see it more as my calling in life.It is my life's purpose.

3.Do you like your job?

Definitely!I enjoy the variety and special projects where I can take ownership of the final product.My job provides me with both,so yes,it is a good job and I find it very rewarding.

I'm not interested in my job…because it is so mundane and repetitive,two traits I despise and try to stay away from.I hope to find a better job that challenges me to aspire to new heights.

4.Do you miss being a student?

I definitely do!Sometimes I just wonder what would have happened if I had studied harder when I was in university.I just miss the days when I had nothing to worry about but the exams.Now,all the pressure from work and family is difficult to deal with.

5.Is it very interesting?

Most of the time,yes!The daily challenges from new projects provide constant opportunities to learn new things and to some extent re-invent myself.Every day is unique.My colleagues provide me with support but also healthy competition.I find my job most interesting when I am challenged to reach outside of my comfort zone.

6.Is there any kind of technology you use at work?)

I use mainly a laptop computer and my phone at work.Sometimes I also use a photocopier scanner,and a video camera if I'm making short promotional videos with my company.But mainly,I just use a computer.

7.Can you manage your time well when you work?

Yes,I am a project manager in my office,so I am quite good at managing my time and the other people's time on the team.I've worked as an IT manager for several years now.

8.Who helps you most at work?

My team members?I have a great team and they are all hardworking,supportive,smart and attentive to the needs of others and the project goals.




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