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2021-08-19 12:01:30  人气:399






“A bachelor's degree or recognized equivalent from an accredited institution. If you are in your final year of studies, and you expect to earn your degree by mid-August of the following year, you may apply. If you are admitted, you will be required to provide proof at that time that you have earned your bachelor's degree, usually in the form of a final official transcript.

If you attended a university that uses a 4.0 grade-point average (GPA) scale, a satisfactory scholastic average with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (B) is required. If you attended a university that does not use the 4.0 GPA scale, please do not try to convert your grades to the 4.0 scale for the application.

Three Letters of Recommendation uploaded as PDFs through the link provided in the online application. Your letters could include details about your goals, research accomplishments, technical and leadership skills, academic work, etc. We suggest you give your recommenders at least two months to write your letters.

If you received or are a candidate to receive a degree from an institution outside the United States, please see Minimum Degree Requirements for International Applicants and Evidence of English Language Proficiency.

*The GRE is no longer required nor accepted.”――整理自加州大学伯克利研究生EECS官网




建议:如果您之前的学位来自非英语国家的大学,那么您需要在11月之前参加托福或雅思考试。托福成绩有效期最长为两年。将您的分数以电子方式发送至机构代码 4833。


建议:如果您就读的大学不使用4.0 GPA量表,请在“其他量表 GPA”部分输入成绩单上列出的 GPA。且提供一份非官方成绩单,需要学生上传您就读的所有高等教育机构的非官方成绩单副本/PDF。不接受硬拷贝或通过电子邮件发送的成绩单。非英语或西班牙语的成绩单必须在上传到应用程序之前进行翻译。如果你毕业于美国以外的大学,如果你的成绩单没有显示你的学位授予,你还应该上传你的学位证书副本。


“Statement of Purpose - Why are you applying for this program? What are your research goals and interests? What do you hope to accomplish in this degree program? What do you want to do after and how will this help you?

Personal History Statement - What from your past made you decide to go into this field? And how will your personal history help you succeed in this program and your future goals?

3 Letters of Recommendation - Letters from professors are highly preferred. Letters could include details about your goals, research accomplishments, technical and leadership skills, academic work, etc. We suggest you give your recommenders at least two months to write your letters and upload them as PDFs through the link (provided from your online application

Resume/CV - List any education, work, research, volunteer experience, awards, or future coursework.”――整理自加州大学伯克利研究生eecs官网


2)个人历史陈述: 你的过去是什么让你决定进入这个领域?您的个人经历将如何帮助您在该计划和未来目标中取得成功?

3)3封推荐信书写: 教授的推荐信是首选。信件可以包括有关您的目标、研究成就、技术和领导技能、学术工作等的详细信息。我们建议您至少给推荐人两个月的时间来撰写您的信件,并通过链接(从您的在线申请中提供)以 PDF 格式上传.


